Cloudmin Fail-over / Replication

Hello Everyone,

Merry Christmas to you all. I am not seeing under the Cloudmin Settings
the cloudumin replication, I was wondering if this is a feature of only the pro
version? Also I can’t see under the cloudmin -> New System, The add new
physical selection, it this also just a feature to the pro version?

Thanks in Advance,


Cloudmin GPL is just for managing VPS’s on one system.

Being able to setup replication and multiple physical systems are indeed part of Cloudmin Pro.

You can read about some of those features here:

Cloudmin Replication:

Replicating Virtual Domains:

Automatic failover:

Roundrobin DNS:

Thanks Andrey for the quick reply. I will have to purchase then. I have need the failover as I had an outage that cost me 7 days of recovering websites and databases.

Again thanks,

I running two server with Cloudmin PRO + DRBD + OCFS2 with about 20 VM.