I downgraded to GPL after not needing the extra features on this server and after I restarted the box. I am now trying to open anything related to DNS and am met with this error:
Error — Perl execution failed
Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::dnscloud_cloudflare_get_records called at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/feature-dns.pl line 3736.
I cannot edit anything in DNS to remove Cloudflare DNS from the site in question. Its only on specific sites, but on my most important sites of course…
I have restarted, updated, disabled and re-enabled, I have backed it up and I am gonna restore the sites with the issue if I cannot get it fixed by the end of the week.
@Ilia Perhaps when downgrading from Virtualmin Pro to Virtualmin GPL it should ask whether, the user is planning on upgrading back to Pro at any point. Then if not should then offer to perform the “clean up” automatically (or allow the user to “clean up”) before actually performing the downgrade, that way people won’t be left hanging in this situation needing to return to Pro just to clean up.
Alternatively in any case even if not asking whether planning on returning to Pro it should offer to perform a “clean up” automatically or allow the user to do so, before downgrading.
It really should. I coughed up the $7.50 for the month but the cleanup of all pro items should’ve been done in the downgrade process.
It all works now, but that needs to be added in the future updates for downgrades. No one wants to be wondering why their security could be compromised through SSL for over a week just for someone to tell you you need to pay to fix it.
@Ilia Another alternative option is to have it perform the “clean up” automatically in any case without asking the user as part of the downgrade process.
The final alternative option is to have what would be required for “clean up” as part of a check list, which needs to be completed so the downgrade option can be used.