Client denied by server configuration

OS type and version Debian 12
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2

Recently we get this error for a lot of sites.
client denied by server configuration

We have not changed anything.
Are more having this problem?

I’ve noticed something that triggers this error.
Words: ***.txt , .env , .sitemap.xml , xmlrpc.php , other starting with .
Example in error log:

Not a problem here. What App is running?

It sounds (to me) like it is the app that is trying to do something it really shouldn’t like looking at/writting to a file where it does not have permission.

It is Apache 2.4

I don’t use Apache as a webserver anymore only Nginx but would have thought if that is the source of the issue a lot of others on here would have noticed. (when I was referring to app I was thinking of things like Roundcube, WordPress, etc)

Look in the apache error logs for the domain in question, you should see the error there, if not look in .htaccess for issues, as a test rename .htaccess to something else maybe htaccess.txt and try and access the domain, if it works there is an error in your .htaccess file post the contents here if this is the case

It is not related to a specific website. Many people get that error.
But sometimes I can connect ok when a customer can not.
Most websites use Wordpress. Some use old html.

Finally found an ip-serie blocked.
Thank You all.

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