Hello I need to change the public_html directory of virtualserver to other virtualserver.
I have this scenario :
// Main site
main.com (with ssl)
// User sites (sub-server of main)
other.com (with own ssl)
The other.com site I need it to show the public_html directory of main.com
Edit: I got it working by editting /etc/apache/sites-available/other.com.conf changing DocumentRoot. I this the right way?
Yeah its is the right way
@LeoSilver Do I need to change only DocumentRoot or other paths also . Can you share your config file; I tried your method but nothing happened.
Maybe using an alias domain would be a betterchoice? You can also generate an SSL cert from Let’s Encrypt that covers both domains.
Lets Encrypt has SAN Limit of 100. By using aliases you have to use a single certificate for all aliases thus not feasible for me.
worked after restarting apache.
is there any other way which can also be automated