Certificate parsing doesn't support ssl_cipher_list

OS type and version rocky 9.2
Webmin version 2.102

My system default openssl CipherString has @SECLEVEL=2 and my miniserv.conf has ssl_cipher_list=ALL:@SECLEVEL=0 which works fine for connections until I try to install a certificate with 1024 bit key which prevents miniserv from starting with Failed to open SSL cert /etc/webmin/miniserv.pem

I confirmed by hacking the miniserv code to get the SSL error which was error:0A00018F:SSL routines::ee key too small

I don’t suppose there’s any way to get miniserv to respect the ssl_cipher_list setting for certificate processing?

I do a similar thing for apache httpd ciphers config and it successfully handles the 1024 bit certificates.