CentOS 8 supported?

I use Virtualmin on a CentOS 7 server. Problem is, that the mySQL that came out of the box is rather old. I already upgraded this, but Apache is old, too. And Virtualmin uses a special version of Apache that has his home dir under /home/… so I can not install one from an EPEL repo.

Plan was now to install a new server with CentOS 8. Install script did not work (I did no expect that it would work). It recognizes it as CentOS 8 and tries to download packages for CentOS 8 but found only for CentOS 6 or 7.

I know that it would be possible to did a manual install, but a lot of knowledge is possible that I don’t have.

Is there and plan, when out of the box support for CentOS 8 will be added? I don’t need it today, I don’t need it tomorrow, but to know if this is in development or not would be a great information.