Centos 7 EOL need php56-imap to complete task

OS type and version CentOS Linux 7.9.2009
Webmin version 2.111
Virtualmin version 7.10.0
Webserver version Linux 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 on x86_64
Related packages php56

I have moved everything to ubuntu server last year except one app. To complete the move I have one import function on an old app that requires reading in 80,000 emails in a script that uses php56. I have php56 but I failed to add php56-imap when the server was created for the php IMAP functions. I know this should have been done a long time ago.

I am unable to find any php56-imap in the repo search since everything is now EOL. I am unable to easily re-write the PHP script but I probably could rewrite the email functions if php imap-open is not going to be available. This is the last step to moving the Centos 7 server apps.

Is there any way to add php56-imap to an existing Centos 7 EOL virtualmin server with PHP56 already running? If not, what facilities would I use to handle the imap functions outside of php56? Once I read the emails in and segregate attachments the php 5.6 scripts will work and then I can move everything over to my running Ubuntu virtualmin server.

thanks for any advice.

I think upgrading that app is well overdue PHP has moved on considerably since v5.6 (rightly so!) it is worthwhile spending some effort/time $$$ to bring it into the 20th century.

I doubt if you are going to find php56-imap or any php56 package that can be trusted for any current distro. You are going to have to spend more time/effort/$$$ just testing it even if you do.

long shot,

  • does this script work on another other version of PHP
  • do you have any other version of PHP installed on this centos server that might have the imap extention on?

the plugin might just work. 7.3 is probably the latest I would go becasue the change session handling in 7.4 and If i remember this will stop a lot of stuff working.

You can get a copy of xampp with php5.6.

I know it is overdue but that is the situation today and I have to work with what I have. Thanks for the input and I am sure some solution will be available.

That’s a good idea. It would be my last choice but it would work. Thanks.

I had not thought of that possibility. Thanks for the idea. Much appreciated.

I checked and I have php7.3 but not with imap. I would have tried that so thanks for the idea.

What about Ilya’s idea back in 2020? Would this work today running centos7 EOL server and add the php56-imap so I can do the steps I need? The post says it can be reversed if it doesn’t work. I can do a snapshot of the server on Linode and restore it if there is a problem. Thanks.

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