Captcha solving conflict of interest?

You think Googles*it will start failing it’s own AI for breaking captcha? It’s an easy fix. Under 1 sec equals not human? Rhetorical question?

Similarly, AI tools such as Google Vision and OpenAI’s Clip can recognise hundreds of objects faster and more accurately than most humans. If a Captcha asks an AI to click all the buses in a picture selection, they can solve it in fractions of a second, whereas it might take a human ten to 15 seconds.

Yeah, we should all be using Cloudflare Turnstile | CAPTCHA Replacement Solution (and it’s free).

It’s not “free”. I think you have to proxy through Cloudflare, which has a performance and security cost.

I used it on a WP site I couldn’t get Captcha to work in the form plugin and the client had Cloundflare proxying the site. He’s on a free plan and never been charge. Its a matter of usage I think.

I’m saying that going through a proxy is a cost. Not monetary, but it is a cost.

I alway thought it suppose to improve security and speed. " Protect And Enhance Your Site With Cloudflare."
Only used it on a couple sites, customer wanted to use it, customer is always right :slight_smile:

They’re happy to sell you the idea that an extra hop across the internet can somehow make a site faster, and that terminating your TLS connections at their servers is more secure.

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