Cant set PHP memory Limit

OS type and version Rocky Linux 9.5 fully updated
Virtualmin version 7.30.3 GPL

Hi Folks and Happy New Year,

Im trying to install Nextcloud and wnat to set the memory limit for PHP to 512M.

First I tried to set “memory_limit = 512M” in /home/DOMAIN/etc/php8.3/php.ini.
Just to set the Limit only for this Domain.
But Nextcloud and ‘php -i | grep “memory_limit”’ where still not happy, only 128M.

So set Virtualmin → DOMAIN → Web Configuration → PHP-FPM Configuration → Resource Limits
to 512M. But “php -i” still reports only 128M.

Also setting Resource Limits /etc/php-fpm.conf didn’t help.
And yes I restarted the server.

Changing the value in /etc/php.ini works!
But shouldn’t /home/DOMAIN/etc/php8.3/php.ini overwrite that?

I take it after each ini edit you restarted the relevant service

since you mention php-fpm, I’m assuming that is the mode you are using :smile:

in my experience with php-fpm, individual settings for a domain go in /etc/opt/remi/php83/php-fpm.d/DOMAIN-ID.conf or /etc/php-fpm.d/DOMAIN-ID.conf if using the O/S php default.

and on the panel you mention –

Virtualmin → DOMAIN → Web Configuration → PHP-FPM Configuration → Resource Limits

at the top of the screen will be the CONF filename that Virtualmin is adjusting.

I forget – is /etc/php.ini used for any settings NOT in the above specific config files? Or those files somehow are not available/accessible?

oh oh OH — maybe the general settings for an optional/extra php version will come from a location such as /etc/opt/remi/php83/php.ini ??

See if you change memory to 196mb for testing purposes.