Im trying to install Nextcloud and wnat to set the memory limit for PHP to 512M.
First I tried to set “memory_limit = 512M” in /home/DOMAIN/etc/php8.3/php.ini.
Just to set the Limit only for this Domain.
But Nextcloud and ‘php -i | grep “memory_limit”’ where still not happy, only 128M.
So set Virtualmin → DOMAIN → Web Configuration → PHP-FPM Configuration → Resource Limits
to 512M. But “php -i” still reports only 128M.
Also setting Resource Limits /etc/php-fpm.conf didn’t help.
And yes I restarted the server.
Changing the value in /etc/php.ini works!
But shouldn’t /home/DOMAIN/etc/php8.3/php.ini overwrite that?
since you mention php-fpm, I’m assuming that is the mode you are using
in my experience with php-fpm, individual settings for a domain go in /etc/opt/remi/php83/php-fpm.d/DOMAIN-ID.conf or /etc/php-fpm.d/DOMAIN-ID.conf if using the O/S php default.