if i add a .php file to my document root and put there only
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
and open the url with my browser, it says among others:
PHP Version 8.3.11
Configuration File (php.ini) Path /etc/opt/remi/php83
Loaded Configuration File /etc/opt/remi/php83/php.ini
On the memory_limit it says 128M on both local annd master value.
But on the mentioned .php file it says:
grep memory_limit /etc/opt/remi/php83/php.ini
memory_limit = 528M
I have enough memory (altho i have swap on)
How can i solve this? My php sites are not working due to the small memory limit.
I have tried searching for additional .user.ini files and .htaccess files, but there seems not to be any that i found
Also i have restarted the httpd service.
when using php-fpm with Virtualmin, the individual virtual servers each have their own CONF file, based upon the VM id number, and they are stored, in a REMI setting, in directories like
one of mine, /etc/opt/remi/php82/php-fpm.d/16947142083999789.conf contains the line
php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 512M
which can be managed/adjusted thru the Virtualmin panels. Of course if you are very brave, and very VERY careful, you can edit that file directly, but be warned that can be dangerous