Can't open ssh tunnel with root on Ubuntu 24.04

OS type and version Ubuntu 24.04
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2


I had a system under Ubuntu 20.04 and I could connect via an SSH tunnel (in root and RSA key) to connect to all databases via their login/pass.
Since I upgraded (reinstall) to Ubuntu 24.04 and reinstalled Virtualmin with the script the SSH tunnel does not work anymore, I have the option enabled in the configuration of SSH.

Do you have any idea what option I need to activate in order to use the SSH tunnel?

Thank you.

Edit : I can connect with SSH and my key without problem.
I have change the default port of SSH (but same before and no problem)

Edit 2: I have tested with Domain user and i can make ssh tunnel but not with Root user like before, why ?

Make sure to open the new port in Webmin / Networking ⇾ FirewallD. Also, double-check that ufw wasn’t installed during the distro upgrade. If it was, remove it by running apt-get purge ufw.

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