cant login to postgresql from php scripts


I cant login into postgresql from php scripts. I have no problem using postgres tieh the webmin module. I can even open a ssh session with user alcnoticias, password alcnoticias, and then I can login with psql -d alc_database, but I cant be validated when accesing psql with the same postgres database, user and password, if i have initiated the ssh session with other user than alcnoticias.

I cant also connect to the database from phpPgAdmin (“Authentication failed”), or from my own phpscripts using ADOdb (“Database connection failed”).

Any help would be very welcomed. The main trace here is why I can login to psql with database alc_database after initiating the ssh session from user alcnoticias, password alcnoticias, but cant do the same with other linux user but with the same postgresql user and password

I guess that you need to setup “php.ini” file.

PostgreSQL(libpq) Version 8.1.11
Multibyte character support enabled
SSL support enabled
Active Persistent Links 0
Active Links 0

pgsql.allow_persistent On
pgsql.auto_reset_persistent Off
pgsql.ignore_notice Off
pgsql.log_notice Off
pgsql.max_links Unlimited
pgsql.max_persistent Unlimited

(local values and master values are all the same)