Can't change hostname if bind is not running

Ubuntu Linux 22.04.5
Webmin 2.202

New VPS on Contabo. I have stopped Bind and Setup all Virtual Machines to use external DNS (Namecheap Premium) everything works great except I am now changing my hostname for my domain

  1. create A record on Name Cheap
  2. ping replies normal
  3. switch to webmin tab dashboard show current
  4. go to networking–>network configuration–>hostname and dns client
  5. enter in hostname field → save
    Results --### Failed to save DNS configuration : ‘’ is not a valid domain name–
  6. uncheck Update hostname in host addresses if changed? → save
    Results --### Failed to save DNS configuration : ‘’ is not a valid domain name–

Do i need to do this from SSH?

yeah never mind just did it from ssh bash

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