Cannot upgrade with "Webmin version 2.013 is now available, but you are running version 2.010"

OS type and version CentOS Linux 7.9.2009
Webmin version 2.010
Virtualmin version 7.2 pro
Related packages SUGGESTED

On the dashboard I see “Webmin version 2.013 is now available, but you are running version 2.010”. But if I select “upgrade” I get “Failed to upgrade from : HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found”

“yum update” reports all is up to date.

You should not have the download repositories enabled on a Virtualmin server.

Well I don’t see any reference to Webmin at /etc/yum.repos.d?

However I went into Webmin itself and selected upgrade and it went to the latest version. Are Webmin and Virtualmin not in sync?

@Ilia how would a Virtualmin system without Webmin repos offer an update not available in our repos yet?

This is never enabled by default if Virtualmin is installed properly using script. How it was enabled, well good question but I think it should be asked to OP. Perhaps, Webmin was installed before running Virtualmin install script.

Although, it’s easy to make sure that this message is never displayed by adding to /etc/webmin/config file nowebminup=1 line.

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