Cannot install Webmin at IPv6 only host because does not have AAAA record
IS IT possible to add and use AAAA to Who can do it ?
Cannot install Webmin at IPv6 only host because does not have AAAA record
IS IT possible to add and use AAAA to Who can do it ?
Thanks for the feedback!
@netmaster Yes, IPv6-only setups are becoming more common! @Jamie, I believe having an IPv6-enabled website is essential these days.
It has been the same for for years. People bring it up, but so far this has not been done.
You could use dns64/nat64 service but you still need a dummy ipv4 enabled last I tried, but was like in 2021. It didnt install for me with no ipv4 enabled for eth0.
realistically a server today still needs dual stack. Most of virtualmin works great in full dual stack with all ipv6 features but running it ipv6 only is more tricky.
But that the domains have no ipv6 support to even access the repo is an incredibly poor showing for 2024 IMO. And I truly looove webmin and virtualmin.
Please try now - I’ve added an IPv6 address for it.
That works
Thank you it works
I’ve also added IPv6 for
, though I can’t test it at the moment.
thank you, it works!
@netmaster Does it work for you now?
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