Operating system:Centos8
OS version:CentOS Linux 8.2.2004
Operating system | CentOS Linux 8.2.2004 |
Apache version | 2.4.37 |
PHP versions | 5.6.40, 7.2.24 |
Webmin version | 1.962 |
— | — |
Virtualmin version | 6.13 |
Hi, I cannot activate FCGI php execution mode, is not listed in website options… and if I do the recheck configuration it says:
The following PHP versions are available : 5.6.40 (/bin/php56-cgi), 7.2.24 (/bin/php-cgi)
The following PHP execution modes are available : fpm
The following PHP-FPM versions are available on this system : 7.2.24 (php-fpm)
I’m not sure what i’m missing here, but in my previous server with centos7 i was able to select between different php execution modes like:
Apachemod_php(run as Apache’s user)
CGI wrapper (run as virtual server owner)
FCGId (run as virtual server owner)
FPM (run as virtual server owner)
But now in my new server with Centos8 the only option available in website options is: FPM (run as virtual server owner)
Any clue??
I tried adding this to httpd.conf:
AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi .php .fpl
FcgidConnectTimeout 20
FcgidMaxRequestLen 268435456
FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass 10
FcgidIOTimeout 300
But no changes
And my file /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/10-fcgid.conf has:
LoadModule fcgid_module modules/mod_fcgid.so
BTW, fpm process seems good:
systemctl status php-fpm
● php-fpm.service - The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-11-28 06:41:56 UTC; 46min ago
Main PID: 849 (php-fpm)
Status: "Processes active: 0, idle: 6, Requests: 4, slow: 0, Traffic: 0req/sec"
Tasks: 7 (limit: 23201)
Memory: 43.1M
CGroup: /system.slice/php-fpm.service
├─849 php-fpm: master process (/etc/php-fpm.conf)
├─890 php-fpm: pool 158117900413088
├─891 php-fpm: pool www
├─892 php-fpm: pool www
├─893 php-fpm: pool www
├─894 php-fpm: pool www
└─895 php-fpm: pool www
Starting The PHP FastCGI Process Manager...
WARNING: Found multiple addresses for localhost, ignored
Started The PHP FastCGI Process Manager.
The final need of all this thing is to be able to have different PHP versiosn in different webservers, but when I try to do it as in my pvrevious centos7 server, php versions, i get this:
Your system only has PHP version 7.2.24 installed, so selecting a different version for each directory is not possible.