Can Webmin/Virtualmin be installed on Ubuntu 22.10

VMware 2TB Mac Studio M2 Ultra / 64GB mem

| Ubuntu 22.10 | Installed |
| LatestVersion | REQUIRED |

Can i install Webmin/Virtualmin on Ubuntu 22.10? Are there install scripts for this version … (I’m on the bleeding edge)… any advice would be appreciated


22.10 is ‘bleeding edge’?
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS and 24.04 LTS on i386 and amd64

Servers and “bleeding edge” don’t go together. Stability is key.

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No. We never support non-LTS versions of Ubuntu, as they are not suitable for server use.

If you want newer than 22.04, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t pick 24.04 LTS, which is supported.

Thanks for your answers, I am using a Mac Studio with an M2 Ultra (does and i thought that Virtualmin did not support Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop ARM) so question is do I have to use 22.04 Server in order to use Virtualmin ? Sorry for silly question but that’s why I posted on Newbee channel…


What Linux flavor that runs in ARM would you recommend??

You are probably in a fairly unique situation using a silicon Mac and probably won’t find much first hand advice. It looks like you can install 24.04 LTS which is supported by Virtualmin install script.

Under Downloads > Ubuntu Server for ARM > is Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS

Any Grade A supported system open UTM can give you should work.

Since it is all virtual just try it and see how far you get. Time Machine is your friend here! Back it up!

ARM is not a supported architecture at this time.

It mostly works without too much trouble, but you won’t be able to receive mail using the standard Virtualmin mail stack because the procmail-wrapper package isn’t available for ARM. If you search to forum, you’ll find info about how to build it or where to download it.

But, generally, for beginners, I recommend a supported OS (any Grade A supported OS on our list) on a supported architecture (x86_64).

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