Hello, i am working on a website for a client, he has purchased a domain and hosting from Virtualmin, now the problem I am facing is that I can not set up Wordpress, the client had previously installed wprdpress in demo folder of theme he uploaded but deleted the folder from file manager as website is revamped, now I am installing Wordpress again in public_html but it is not working, whenever I goto website.pk/wp-admin it shoes this error I am attaching as image .
Hello @birdangry642 and welcome to the community.
Your earlier message did not contain the screenshot with the error message so we are at a loss about how to best help you.
Did you know that Virtualmin has a nice one click install script for WordPress under Virtualmin → Install Scripts? I suggest you try installing WordPress via this option.
The requested URL /demo/wp-login.php was not found on this server.
this is error line and this demo folder is deleted by client. now I am confused where is wordpress
If you are confused about where WordPress is installed on a virtual server, use Virtualmin file manger to take a peek at the files and directories which belong to the user and you will know for sure where WordPress is installed.
did you search-replace old links to /demo before setting it up in parent folder?
change homeurl and siteurl in wordpress database (_options table) and then do search-replace in whole db.
checking files too for any custom “/demo” links as well.
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