CAA Support - DNS Records

OS type and version Debian 12
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2


Virtualmin does not yet support “CAA” records within the “DNS Records” screen (Virtualmin > DNS Settings > DNS Records).

While they can be added manually, it would be helpful make this available, as well as show them in the DNS Records screen (after adding one manually it does not appear in the list of records).


Virtualmin should add CAA records automatically, at least if you’re using Let’s Encrypt to issue your SSL certs. But I assume you want more manual control?


Yeah, I think from a completeness (is that even a word, lol) point of view… Having the ability to create “more” manual, and see (and review) the current record(s) make sense.

Ok, look for this in the next release!


On the same topic sorta, could you look into making DMARC records manageable.

Right now they show in the list of records, but cannot be edited directly.

I realize Virtualmin has built in DMARC management as it does DKIM, but for instance we use a third party for DMARC record creation and so managing in the DNS Records page would offer some degree of completeness as is the case with CAA.

I’ll let you know if any other record type is missing as I go.

*** I believe the VM created records should be used: a) as a template for creation, and b) if updated should warn a user that this would overwrite any custom modification made to said record ***

I’ll look into this. Allowing users too much flexibility to edit these generated records unfortunately gives them a way to shoot off their own feet :slight_smile:

Also, you can always drop down to Webmin to edit records at Webmin → Servers → BIND DNS Server.