Building AWS Lightsail / Amazon Linux 2023/ web2py / Webmin - can I install and/or manage Nginx w/Webmin?

OS type and version Amazon Linux 2023
Webmin version 2.105

Building AWS Lightsail / Amazon Linux 2023/ web2py / Webmin

  • can I install and/or manage Nginx w/Webmin?

Use the --bundle LEMP option for Nginx.

I thought I could use the Justin Hoffman Webmin module to manage Nginx???
Since I’m running a Python server LEMP seems like lots of bloat - or am I misunderstanding???

I believe that module is quite old. I don’t think it’s been touched in a decade or more. But, I have no direct knowledge of it, as I’ve never used it. If it’s what I think it is, though, I’d be shocked if it works in a current Webmin version without some updates. It shouldn’t take much to make it work, but I don’t think it was ever a very complete implementation (I mean, like competitive with the Apache Webmin module in terms of being able to manage all the stuff).

If you really don’t want the full Virtualmin stack, you could install Webmin normally and just add virtual-server, virtualmin-nginx and virtualmin-nginx-ssl modules to get nginx management without the rest of the stack. You’d still need to configure a few things, but all of those modules are actively maintained. Just be sure to disable all the features you aren’t using in Features and Plugins, so it doesn’t complain when you do the config check. Virtualmin’s virtual-server module itself is tiny…it’s just another Webmin module. It’s all the stuff that goes into making a hosting system work that makes the installation kinda big.

You could also strip a Virtualmin install done with the install script down quite small, though. --minimal mode install loses some of the mail stack (which is the most bloaty part of a Virtualmin install, by far, as clamav is a monster) and some analytics at installation time. And, you could disable/remove a bunch of other stuff, too. Up to you, though, as you’ll have a bit of extra work in either case.

The Virtualmin nginx modules are pretty comprehensive at this point, providing a lot of the same stuff you’d see in the Apache module, though it’s closely tied to Virtualmin virtual-server module so it can’t stand alone completely like the Apache module.

Thanks very much!
I’m trying to do this with a minimal server - don’t need ANY mail stuff (using aws SES)

There is no rule you have to have mail hosted locally in Virtualmin. (Though I think you’d be well-served by having an MTA so system stuff can notify you of things like cron results/errors, Webmin modules can send you notifications, etc…you can make all that work without a local MTA, but it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth; Postfix is tiny by itself.)

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Good point, thanks

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