Bug report for Email Settings when selecting Cloud mail filtering provider


I caught a bug which I’d like to report.

  1. No DNS setup for virtualmin server
  2. Email enabled
  3. Go to Email Settings, select a Cloud provider
  4. Errors with “Error: Cannot write to directory /var/named/”

On CentOS 7, latest Virtualmin Pro.

It errors because the virtual server doesn’t have Bind enabled, so there’s nothing to write to.

Should produce an error instead saying “DNS needs to be enabled on the virtual server before selecting this option” or similar.


Hi, Michael.

DNS for a domain should be enabled on Edit Virtual Server page under Enabled Features using DNS domain enabled feature. If it’s not there, you need to check System Settings ⇾ Features and Plugins page.

Hi Ilia. Yes I know, that is my bug report.

When you select the cloud provider, it should produce an error like that it should tell you that the DNS domain enabled needs to be selected to use it.

That’s why I raised this case :slight_smile:

@Jamie, do you remember fixing it for new Virtualmin release?

No, but I just checked in a fix for this issue for inclusion in the next release.

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