Bug report: Backup&Restore and Transfer don't keep DNSSEC ON and loose DNSSEC key

OS type and version: Ubuntu 16.04->20.04
Webmin version: 1.973
Virtualmin version: 6.16

Hi Virtualmin team!

Wanted to signal what could probably be seen as a bug:

When backing up all features of a virtual server (on 16.04), then restoring it (on 20.04), the DNSSEC state and settings are lost. Same for Transfer Virtual server to other host.

One needs to go to Server Configuration - DNS Options - Then Enablge DNSSEC (while it was enabled before backup) - Save - Go back to DNS Options, click to view the keys, then click on key to copy - then login to registrar, enter the new key, remove the old key, then wait for propagation.

Wouldn’t it be better to backup DNSSEC settings and key with each Virtual Server ?

That way, sites with DNSSEC enabled would have less hassle and less downtime.

Nothing major, but a hassle when moving domains from old servers to new ones.

Best regards,

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