Precisely. (sometimes words can get lost in translation) but buttons have clarity. (they are obvious visually)
being a windows user I would prefer a back button/breadcrumb.
but it does seem to be trivial in the scheme of things - especially if it is a lot of work!
Fair enough, IF you hover over it long enough you get a tool tip. But that isn’t normal GUI behavior. It looks like a back button. This particular function seems to be applied unevenly. If you adopt the bread crumb philosophy it would always take you up a level.
Yes, I know there are two more buttons below that give you an option. So why the third? Like I said, this is just the first module I checked for an example. The behavior is all over the place and fragmented. The top button, if it is going to exist, should always have the same behavior. Intuitively, that is ‘back’.
just try for example, switching between domains you currently have the Dashboard showing for domain 1 you switch to domain 2 and the Virtual Server Summary page is displayed. (slightly annoying)
click “Back” and you get the Dashboard for domain 2
the history is lost - the only way “back” to domain 1 is to change servers again. (then only to the page that is currently displayed)
(I have no idea if this is also the case with Mac users)
So leave broken behavior because there are other ways around it? Does that really make sense to you? Yes, an un-labeled button that looks like a back button is broken behavior. Not really a discussion to be had about this.
I have lived with this but only bring it up because it now seems open for discussion. Again, this behavior is not consistent throughout the modules which makes it broken.
But to the thread topic, that solves all of this and gives you finer granularity over your navigation choices.