Brand New install on Debian 10: Failed to create virtual server

Guys i have just setup a brand new default install for Virtualmin GPL on a new instance of Debian 10. The VPS is on the Vultr network and i have other servers (including Virtualmin Pro) on the same network running Debian 9 and never had this issue.

the error is below

Failed to create virtual server : Failed to work out externally visible IP address

I have seen this error on these forums before but i ahve tried some of those solutions and they do not seem to work.

I went to mxtoolbox and entered a lookup for host dns and is resolving no problems, and its reverse ptr is also resolving no problems.

What could cause this on a brand new system?

Check this Failed to create virtual server : Failed to work out externally visible IP address link.
It seemed to work for that guy which had the same problem. :slight_smile:

That thread didnt help me the first time i tried it yesterday, however, i decided to modify the process and assign the ipaddress manually in virtualmin configuration/server settings/network settings.

That worked. It is troubling that a brand new debian 10 install of Virtualmin is incapable of resolving this automatically. I have never had this problem with Debian 9 Virtualmin installs (and ive done a few of them)

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