BIND 9.16 to 9.18

OS type and version Almalinux 9.3
Webmin version 2.111
Virtualmin version 7.10.0
Related packages bind9

Unfortunately in RHEL9 derivatives BIND 9.16 is shipped but not 9.18.

Would it be possibe to upgrade bind to 9.18 using copr:

isc/bind Copr

My understanding is that it would install alongside the OS package of bind, but not replace it, would it be possible to copy over the configs so that virtualmin uses them and its daemon?

In theory the syntax for the new version should be known since 9.18 ships in debian 12 I think.

Or is this asking for problems down the line? I dont think BIND 9.18 will ever reach RHEL9 only 10 but not sure.

That seems like a very odd thing to spend time on. I can’t imagine there’s some must-have new feature in 9.18.

But, if you really must do it, Webmin doesn’t care. I believe config files stay in the same place with extra packages (config in /etc zones in /var/named or a chroot within that). You probably need to change the service name in the Webmin BIND module configuration, but that’s probably it.

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Thanks, I think I will try it on a testserver first.

I was reading up on DoT encrypted DNS again and wanted to start experimenting with this upcoming standard:

RFC 9539 - Unilateral Opportunistic Deployment of Encrypted Recursive-to-Authoritative DNS (

DoT, DoH, has been a thing for client endpoints for a while but not for nameserver to other nameservers.

quad9 linked me to it and said it is in the works.