Backup and restore emails

OS type and version Debian 11
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
Webserver version REQUIRED
Related packages SUGGESTED

can someone please help me. I only want to restore email messages from a backup. Which checkbox is the right one?

I tried “Mail/FTP users and mail aliases” but it doesn’t work.


You need to enable both Server’s home directory as well as Mail/FTP users.

With both these options enabled, you will be able to restore mail for the virtual server from the backup. You might also find the html, images and scripts of the website restored too, even if you may not want to restore them and you could simply delete them, but it is a Virtualmin quirk that only email cannot be restored.

That, at least, has been my experience thus far…


ok, thank you. So there is no way to restore the emails without overwriting the website.

Not with the GUI of Virtualmin. (yet AFAIK) :frowning_face:

But there is always a work-around - do it manually using File Manager or FTP.

is this a bug that needs reporting, it seems to be

not exactly a bug (more probably a Blue Sky) it can be done manually but would be nice not to have to.

doing it manually is more of a matter of selecting what to move or not to.

@Ilia can you have a look when you get chance:

my thought 1
I don’t think this is expected behaviour for the following reasons

  • Mail/FTP users and mail aliases has it’s own option tree and therefore should not be dependant on another option
  • I think Server's home directory and web pages should be renamed or retasked to public_html directory and web pages. This is because all/most user’s data goes in the home directory and this is required for any import (I know there are exceptions such as SSL certs, which I would prefer in the home directory but they have to be elsewhere for server protection from crashing)

My thought 2
or if I have got it a bit wrong then:

  • rename Server's home directory and web pagesUser's home directory
  • rename Restore homes directory to restore 'public_html' directory
  • Move Mail/FTP users and mail aliases under User's home directory

Domain’s home directory and public_html directory isn’t the same thing.

The topic has been solved, so I’m not sure what problem we’re addressing…

When I get chance I will do a github issue for it (unless someone else want to help out :smile: ) , but the wording is not clear and you need to know about a quirk for mail only to be imported.

You need to enable both Server’s home directory as well as Mail/FTP users.

What is the difference between Virtual server password and Administration user's password?

i think, Virtual server password ist the password from the owner, the first password you set on creating the virtual server.
Administration user´s password ist the password for users, like email or ftp user.

The wording is clear if you refer to the screenshot above my original comment.

@calport not your wording, the wording of the options

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