Authentic Theme - Usermin change font size for reading mail

Hi There

I was wondering if there is a recommended way of increasing the font size used for reading mail in Usermin.

I see it is set to 13px - and could hack the bundle.min.css file as a last resort (every time I update the theme of course) .

There was a post mentioning using the theme extensions folder - but there are no detail on whether you need to create a new file or which extensions folder / sub folder to use.

a) /usr/share/usermin/authentic-theme/extensions

b) /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme/extensions

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Kind regards


Hi There

I have found the solution and will share in the hope it will help someone else.

Go to Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Webmin Themes - bottom of the page right side is a button " Theme Extensions " opening this will show you it is an editor for a file called styles.css.

In my case I added

html body.mailbox div#content.__page div.container-fluid.col-lg-10.col-lg-offset-1 div.panel.panel-default div.panel-body form.ui_form div.table-responsive table.table.table-striped.table-condensed.table-subtable tbody tr td {
font-size: 16px;

Which seems to just target the email message panel increasing the font size from 13 to 16px.

All the best
