Applying webserver configuration .. .. not running!

OS type and version REQUIRED
Virtualmin version REQUIRED

My OS is Almalinux
Webmin version 2.202
Virtualmin version 7.20.2
Operating system AlmaLinux 8.10
Hello everyone, i get "Applying webserver configuration …
… not running!" when i creat the virtual server how can solve this issue.

You should just start a webserver from the dashboard under the “Servers Status” accordion.

I don’t see that option

  1. Do you see the Dashboard?
  2. if you do the Server Status is an accordion see:

I use Nginx (if you use Apache then it will show that instead)

I can’t open it i don’t know why. Nginx is also installed but i have installed it

No! - you only need one webserver either Apache or Nginx NEVER both

If this is a new VM start over - easiest way, make your choice of webserver before installing Webmin/Virtualmin

Wooh thanks I’ll try to uninstall it

Start over — uninstall is not an easy step (it has probably mucked up other things It should be installed using the correct --LEMP option (remember only one webserver)

You must start with a freshly installed supported OS. Don’t “uninstall it”. You should start with a freshly installed OS, as our documentation clearly states.

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I have Almalinux OS with webmin but i see now is not work good now phpmyadmin not work i have uninstall Apache2 because i want to use Nginx only i dont know if i need to restart OS

You’re making things so hard for yourself. I don’t know why.

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Please help me, how ca, i do that

You are asking for help - yet you seem to be ignoring all advice.

Just accept the fact you have made a mess of the whole installation and go back to the beginning. A new VM fresh installation. (we really are trying to help you!)

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Hello everyone, my problem is solved. Now the server works very well.

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