Apache issue

I installed virtuamin from script on ubuntu 8.04. I,ve create virtual server named turski.eu, and create sub-server rafal.turski.eu. Then I connect to the ftp server, and copy all files need by my page to public_html, and when I write the adress in firefox I see only “It works!” - the apache home page… and I’dont know what to do. Can You help me with this issue?


That ns.uos.pl is mine, and it is the same computer that turskie.eu, and whole virtualmin. The propagation is all right, a bought this name about half year ago with this settings, but I was using ISP config. When I wrote a server in filezila turski.eu its connecting to the right host. I know the problem is in configuration virtualmin, and I’m thinking it’s in apache configuration… I’ve chmod to 777 all public cataloge so it isn’t problem with permissions… The DNS and other is all right becaeuse when i delete the subserver rafal.turski.eu apache’s “It works!” disappair… I’m sorry for my bad english, but I’m think You understand all…

Regards, and thanks for You help.

I would look in the apache config and see if the virtualhost is set correctly. Also that the main domain is on top.
This is how it looks like on my machine with a CentOS 5.1 and Apache 2.2.3

<VirtualHost my.ip.goes.here:80>
SuexecUserGroup "#509" "#510"
ServerName domain.com
ServerAlias www.domain.com
DocumentRoot /home/domain.com/public_html
ErrorLog /home/domain.com/logs/error_log
CustomLog /home/domain.com/logs/access_log combined
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/domain.com/cgi-bin/
ScriptAlias /awstats /home/domain.com/cgi-bin
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.php4 index.php5
<Directory /home/domain.com/public_html>
Options Indexes IncludesNOEXEC FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
allow from all
AllowOverride All
AddHandler fcgid-script .php
AddHandler fcgid-script .php5
FCGIWrapper /home/domain.com/fcgi-bin/php5.fcgi .php
FCGIWrapper /home/domain.com/fcgi-bin/php5.fcgi .php5

I forgot a piece, sorry:

<Directory /home/domain.com/cgi-bin>
allow from all
RemoveHandler .php
RemoveHandler .php5
<Files awstats.pl>
AuthName "domain.com statistics"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/domain.com/.awstats-htpasswd
require valid-user
PerlRequire /etc/webmin/virtualmin-google-analytics/apachemod.pl
PerlOutputFilterHandler Virtualmin::GoogleAnalytics
php_value memory_limit 32M
php_value magic_quotes_gpc On
ErrorDocument 404 "Document not found."

Thanks for Your help… It was close… My friend help me. Tjat issue was in tjis line
Virtual Server ip:port
I have a router with DMZ set on this computer so apache listen on external ip but router ask on the internal…
I’ve changed this line to
VirtualServer *:80
and it works…
Thanks for advise…

I’ve changed this option in virtualmin module config… It was a lin called server settings/Default virtual server IP address and I entered *, but two lines above is Default IP address for DNS records and I entered my external adress… If I good understand You, I must in first line(this where I entered *) enter my internal IP adress, what I have from router? Is that correct?

I am not behind a router but

Default virtual server IP address is internal IP like 192.168.1.xxx
Default IP address for DNS records is your external IP 87.254.15.xxx

under webmin-networking-network configuration
double check if the settings are correct and your internal IP is static, i.e. not provided by your router.

If I good understand You, I must in first line(this where I entered *) enter my internal IP adress, what I have from router? Is that correct?

Correct. * is almost never the right choice in a virtual hosting environment, and will cause many many difficult to diagnose issues.

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP

*:80 is definitely not good as it will break your virtualhosts.
from the documentation:

The Wrong Site Shows Up

If you browse to one of your virtual server domain names and see the wrong site content, there is a mismatch between the NameVirtualHost and VirtualHost sections of your Apache configuration. This can happen if youâ

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP

*:80 is definitely not good as it will break your virtualhosts.
from the documentation:

The Wrong Site Shows Up

If you browse to one of your virtual server domain names and see the wrong site content, there is a mismatch between the NameVirtualHost and VirtualHost sections of your Apache configuration. This can happen if youâ

that domain is pointing to the following nameservers:

Is that your machine?
Did you FTP on the domain or IP?
FTP is a good pointer to see if the domain name has propagated.

I sometimes add the IP and domain to my "hosts" file on the local computer to connect to the server before propagation has fully happened.

open hosts and add turski.eu www.turski.eu

replace the with your servers IP