My computer’s name is like nsxxx, where xxx is a number. So I access usermin through https://nsxxx:20000.
I would like to access usermin from the address https://webmail.mydomain.com.
Any way to do this? How?
My computer’s name is like nsxxx, where xxx is a number. So I access usermin through https://nsxxx:20000.
I would like to access usermin from the address https://webmail.mydomain.com.
Any way to do this? How?
dear support,
Good Day!
Currently I am using virtualmin pro and i realized that usermin in far more better in functionality compare to roundcube.
Now my questions is how do i redirect https://www.domain.tld:20000 from https://mail.domain.tld/
Hope to hear from you guys as soon as possible … thanks
you can set this in the server template.
the vhost container will end up having a rewrite rule:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =webmail.domain.com
RewriteRule ^(.) https://server.domain.com:20000 [R]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =admin.domain.com
RewriteRule ^(.) https://server.domain.com:10000 [R]
Yup, Ronald’s correct!
And to be specific, you can set that in System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default -> Apache website.
You can set “Redirect webmail.domain to Usermin” and some related options on that screen.
Dear Ronald & Andreychek
Thanks guys …