Alias Domain can not be resolved properly (DNS misconfigured?)


| OS type and version | Debian 12 latest |
| Virtualmin version | 7.30.4 |

Hello, i am struggeling a lit bit with my DNS settings. Here is what i want to archive:

i have a new domain lets call it That new domain is managed by my VPS hosters DNS servers (Hetzner). I have temporarily configured an A record that points to my Virtualmin Server to allow setting up sides before actually use them productive.

So i have directed to my host.

At my host is set up as an alias of my application. Lets say the alias is of the domain

Neither not are currently directing to my virtualmin host but to the legacy host.

However this results in an error page shown. I have tested with nextcloud and joomla. Both copied from my legacy server, updated database connection and folder references and htaccess.

The error message both both is

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.

I also tested it with a simple hello word script. This gives me a “file not found” error page.
Since its an alias, there is no log files to check. The log files of do not help me further.

Now to make things even more confusion, i did accidently setup DNS initially on virtualmin. While this was the case, at least joomla and “hello word” were working.

Any idea?

Best regards

First. We need accurate information. We don’t even know what OS you are using. Upper right of your dashboard you will see a clipboard. Use that to copy system information. Use that to correct your opening post.

Assuming this is on the VM server, and we don’t even know that for sure at this point, it should be logged.

If it is the VM server then we can’t tell you where to look for the logs if you don’t give the correct OS information.

Hi @ID10T
seems i misplaced information in the header section. I have updated the introduction post. I am using the latest DEBIAN 12-

The Internal Server Error seem to me coming from Apache, but i do not know because i simply see nothing about it in the logs. I did checked logs of the virtual sub server the alias is referring to. I did had visually identical error message before and could solved it with adjusting the PHP version.


Do you have this log?
