additional servers in webmin


we have 2 servers running the same ver Webmin and Virtualmin, however the configuration of those servers differs a bit, one of the servers are running different web sites from the other and one of the servers acts as primary DNS server (Master zones) and another acts as a secondary DNS server running (Slave Zones) etc…

So my question is, what will happen if we for example on the primary server (Webmin) add this secondary server ? what will happen to the configurations on those 2 servers, are they going to be synchronized or ?

I did a research about this option in the webmin but would like an more detailed explanation if possible…

Thank You
Best regards


Sure, you can do that. Details on setting up a slave server that can be synchronized with the primary are here:


thank You for reply…

I just read trough the link You sent me, and I unserstand the point of the adding “secondary” server on to “primary” server webmin… this part is ok…

As pr now, we are running PRI and SEC dns servers, but we have to create SLAVE zones manually because we have not added “slave/secondary” server on to our primary server-Webmin.

But my question was, “WHEN” we add the another server on to our ptimary server as below:

<<In the Add server dropdown, select your slave server (if it’s the only server you’ve added, you won’t have to select it, as it will already be selected).>>

what will happen to the other configurations I mean: apache, mail, php etc… are they going to be AUTO synchronized or ?? in short words we have a different web sites running on these servers for example: is running on the primary server is running on the secondary server

so when we add the “secondary” server on to primary server webmin, what will happen with these web sites and their mailboxes ? shell it be AUTO synchronized so that BOTH servers will have BOTH web sites or ??

Thank You, just let me know if You are not sure what I mean …


or in short words in order to add 2 servers in the “cluster” do we need a fresh installed Webmin-virtualmin servers before we add them in a cluster or we can add them now even if they have different web sites and differend email mailboxes… ?


I assume that “Webmin Servers Index” is not the same as the “Cluster” in Webmin ??

any progress on this post ?

The DNS slave configuration is just that – it’ll make your second server able to act as a secondary/slave DNS server for your domains.

And it will synchronize the DNS zone information to that secondary server.

However, it doesn’t synchronize other data, such as Apache, Email, Databases, or the like.


ok, but just one more question, when we are adding a “secondary” server on to primary server webmin, do we need to define the secondary server in both options described below:

in “Webmin Servers Index” and in the “Cluster” ?

And IF we setup 2 servers “fresh” installation and we import the secondary server in the Cluster, (on the primary server) what will than happens when we for example create a new web site, mail etc… on one of the servers ? it will not be replicated to another server EVEN if they are in the Cluster ? and this works ONLY in case DNS server application ?



We have a Centos 6.3 server running Webmin/Virtualmin.
For several reasons we are thinking about moving some services to another server.
Is it possible to have a web server with several domains in one server and all mail services running on another server, and everything managed by Webmin/virtualmin?


Unfortunately, Virtualmin can’t manage a split setup like that… mail and web service would need to be on both servers in order for Virtualmin to manage them.



Is there a way to replicate the whole server periodically so it can act as a failover if the first server goes down. I mean, not only DNS, but all the features of a Virtualmin Virtual Server instance/domain.



This is a topic that’s asked quite regularly here. I’d recommend performing a search for “replication” or “failover” or “backup”.

Short answer: It depends on how up-to-date your failover system should be. You could take automatic daily Virtualmin backups and restore them on your failover system. If it needs to be more up-to-date, you need to familiarize yourself with MySQL replication and use e.g. rsync and incron to sync home directory contents.

Summary: It’s a complex topic, and there’s no simple answer.