With people using LetsEncrypt more but don’t always use webmin dns or cant allow an html tag added into their website easily (WP site) use of the LetsEncrypt/ Certbot built-in webserver is easier.
If you have start and stop shells setup they aren’t picked up by use of webmin LetsEncrypt service.
Can you provide an addition check box that says ‘Use Renewal Hooks’ which does that ?
It would have to be ‘remembered’ for auto-renewals.
Can you provide an example of a Certbot hook; are you referring to --pre-hook and --post-hook options?
Also, did you try configuring the command to run before and after the LE request on the “Webmin ⇾ Webmin Configuration ⇾ Configuration: Let’s Encrypt configuration” page?
My issue was with Webmin as the domain in question was not managed by Virtualmin/Virtualmin Pro - hence my posting was in Webmin rather than Virtualmin
(Virtualmin seems to have that issue covered - i hope)*
I think the current place is fine, since it’s specific to SSL cert management for Webmin itself. I don’t think it makes sense to put a general-purpose Let’s Encrypt UI into Webmin, since we already have it in Virtualmin.
You can use Certbot’s built-in webserver to request certs at Webmin → Webmin Configuration → SSL → Let’s Encrypt, but this generates a cert only for Webmin itself.
if you use the actual location of the webmin ssl certs as the cert location for other services then it promulgates to other services using the webmin cert. Once restarted !!
Why not ?
I just need to remember to add postfix and dovecot restarts to the restart shell command that is called (automatically) by the webmin config > ssl config > LetsEncrypt settings…
I suppose in theory we could add a box for custom commands to run after the cert is renewed.
Or would it be better to set a flag to the certbot command itself? That may not work, since renewal hooks are already used by Webmin to update DNS records as part of the renewal process.
Rhel 8.10, Webmin 2.202, there is an option for Certbot built-in server.
Rhel 9.5, Webmin 2.202, there is no such option. There is no web server installed.
On RH8 it’s erroring, I haven’t looked into why yet though.