We’d like to display some additionnals informations over server’s list, on the left link Virtualmin Virtual Servers. These informations will come from custom API’s, like : CMS type, CMS version.
Any similar project in progress ?
Which best way to start ? new plugin ? (which model is closer to my need to get inspiration ? )
change on existing page ? (where is located this table Virtualmin Virtual Servers) .
@calport thanks, it’s an useful info ! I added some usefull columns
I’d like to go further to add some customs columns, like : CMS Type, CMS version, magic link to login, etc. I could code an plugin in Perl to create an similar listing or something to create custom field, but I need some tips to start quickly. Could you forward me to a good direction ?
We’ve 8 VirtualMin installation with hundred of small websites, so we’re looking tips to speed our process.