A quick question regarding Webmin Modules

OS type and version Ubuntu
Webmin version Latest

I want to know who maintains the modules listed in unused modules section of webmin. Does that list also include modules that is not managed by official webmin team. I am asking about the used and unused modules that comes installed with fresh installed webmin.


I’m pretty sure the ‘team’ maintains a repository of the ‘official’ modules. Those are the ones you should see listed under unused. Or not seen if they are used.

3rd party, you are on your own.

I think only @Joe and @Ilia knows the answer. This was never asked before.

Un-used modules means “Modules that are installed but for which the detection logic in the module did not find the related packages installed”. It has nothing to do with “official” modules. e.g. if you don’t have BIND installed on your system, the BIND module (the most official module of them all, as it was, I believe, the very first module in Webmin) could be in un-used modules.

Any module that has service detection functions will end up in un-used modules if it does not detect the service or application it manages. The way to get a module out of unused modules is to install the related package. Many standard modules will be in unused modules on any given system, because no system should be doing everything a Webmin system can manage, that’d be a chaotic as hell server performing 100 different tasks.

It is true that we can’t take responsibility for 3rd party modules, but that has nothing to do with un-used modules. Un-used modules is about whether you’re using them. If you don’t have the BIND package installed, obviously you aren’t using the BIND module, so there’s no reason to clutter up the menus with it.

Edit: Also, every module that comes with Webmin is maintained by Jamie (or one of us, but mostly Jamie). There are no third-party modules in the Webmin package, by our definition. Once it is adopted into Webmin core, it becomes our responsibility even if much of the original code was written by someone else (e.g. the awesome/excellent Postfix and the new-ish HTML File Manager were mostly originally written by others, but they’ve been adopted into Webmin core years ago and are now maintained by us). Once it is in the standard Webmin package it is no longer a third-party module. (You can see the source for the non-standard modules we maintain in our repos. Jamie maintains all of his Webmin modules in the same tree at GitHub - webmin/webmin: Powerful and flexible web-based server management control panel and we maintain all the Virtualmin plugins and a few Webmin modules in individual repos at Virtualmin · GitHub )

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I got my answer. Thankyou :slight_smile:

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