2 questions: If I want to host another website at website.mydomain.com, do I choose "Top-level server" or "Sub-server"? And how do I edit public_html files within VSCode?

How can I host a subdomain, such as website.mydomain.com, on Virtualmin? My main domain (mydomain.com) is already set up. Should I create a Top-level Server or a Sub-server to host the subdomain? I want to use the subdomain for an API-based website.

Additionally, I want to remotely edit the public_html files:

  1. Using VSCode:
    How do I connect via SSH to directly edit files in VSCode?
  2. Using FileZilla:
    How can I connect via FTP to manage files with FileZilla? Are there any special configurations I need to set up in Virtualmin? Does Virtualmin provide ready-to-use credentials that I can copy and paste into my FTP client or VSCode for remote file editing?

Lastly, I find Virtualmin’s File Manager cumbersome and prefer to use external tools. Please advise.

Never tried editing with VSCode via SSH but you can create a FTP user to upload the web pages.

A Sub-server is about ownership and only ownership. If you want a new website to be owned by the same user as an existing virtual server, you make it a sub-server.

If you are the root user, you can (and probably should) make all Virtual Servers (top-level), and have no sub-servers.

No. No additionally. Make new topics for new questions. Focus.


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