Debian install from debian-10.12.0-amd64-netinst.iso Graphical install Install language: English Location: Canada Keyboard: American English Hostname: [hostname] (one that is already set up where the domain is registered) Doman name: (the rest of the full domain name, as it has worked previously) Add [root-password] User name: [user name] Username: [username] User password: [user-password] Time zone: Pacific Partition disks: Guided - use entire disk; SCSI1..; All files in one partition (Base system installs..) More media: No Mirror: Canada; No proxy Popularity feedback: No Software selection: SSH server, standard utilities (no desktop, no Gnome) Install GRUB: Yes; /dev/sda Boot Log in as [username] Become root with su apt-get update apt-get upgrade Install sudo Add [username] to /etc/sudoers Exit root Install Virtualmin: wget sudo /bin/sh