What's next after purchased Pro version

I’ve just upgraded to a Virtualmin Pro version. On the website stated 100+ Easily Installable Applications. Where do I find them?
I have installed Wordpress using the install script.
Other than adding more installable applications from 7, what other feature are there? And where do I find them.


Thanks for choosing Virtualmin Pro!

You need to upgrade to Pro first to get access to all features.

Done that before I post this. A confirmation page at the end of upgrade that the upgrade to Pro was successful.

What’s the problem then? For example, when you go to Dashboard, do you see that it says Virtualmin Pro? If you go to Install Scripts, do you see the extensive list of scripts, like?

I still only see the 7 installed scripts from no Pro version. It doesn’t have all the additional you show.


This is on screen now, and have not changed from the upgrade.

There is something went wrong upon installation.

You can simply use install script, downloaded from your account, to install repos and exit.

./vm-install.sh -s