Webmin created user fails to get email

CentOS 8.1.1911
Webmin 1.941
Postfix, Dovecot

If I create a user in Webmin the users fail to get email.
warning: maildir access problem for UID/GID=1002/1002: create maildir file /home/randomname/Maildir/tmp/1580431705.P10745.apallo.(domain).net: Permission denied

The folder structure is there and can touch files in said location without issue
I’ve went so far as chmod 777 on the entire user folder and even that failed with same error.

If I create a user with command line adduser, regardless of reusing UID/GID or not, they work flawless
(reusing is deleting and recreating)

This is always a terrible idea, and some tools will refuse to work at all with 777 (so, too much permissions can break things, though I don’t think mail delivery is on of them).

But, it’s obviously an ownership/permission problem, so look at each element of that path, and make sure they’re owned by the right user and group. My systems have very tight permissions for the Maildir (700), and I think that’s the default, which should work as long as whatever delivery agent you’re using delivers as the user.

I only did the 777 as a test. I’ve tried a number of variants but always to back to 700.
By default Webmin uses 755 and adduser is 700. The paths and UIG/GID are correct and postfix is using the correct user ID info.

What I’m not getting is what the difference is between Webmin user create and adduser are.

What pointed got me to test the two different create methods is that the user created during system install worked fine and when I added a test user to start testing the system is when I kept finding the can’t write error.
I then confirmed that all folders existed in Maildir and that the user could access, write and delete files.
I confirmed that Postfix was getting the correct UID/GID to use for the maildrop. (as noted in OP)
I banged my head on many hard surfaces.
I then created a user from the command line. This worked and left me ever more stumped.
I then went over /etc/skel and Webmin User settings (changed default 755 to 700) and didn’t see anything different from my other Webmin servers.
Now I’m here to see if anyone else has encountered the issue or advise as to tracking down the issue.
(more info)
I’ve been able to delete user home directory and manually re-create it with needed Maildir folders and permissions
rm -rf /home/userfolder
mkdir -p userfolder/Maildir/{cur,new,tmp,.Trash/{cur,new,tmp},.Sent/{cur,new,tmp},.Drafts/{cur,new,tmp}}
chmod -R 700
chown -R user:user userfolder
and it works. I’ve tried just re-applying permissions and owner to existing folders but that doesn’t seem to do the trick.

Put SELinux in permissive mode and issues resolved.