Hello Illa and thank you very much for your time.
My webmin server is debian 11.7 and the mysql server is debian 11.7 too.
“Did you do the same, and the database permissions weren’t created, right?” Right, that’s it.
I’m not sure what I could send to you. Anyway:
This is the webmin.log creation proccess:
1723642017.145002.0 [14/Aug/2024 15:26:57] soporte 91d9aec6f41b518e01dbd57d51bc957a XXX.XXX.230.2 virtual-server domain_setup.cgi “create” “domain” “prueba.es” alias=‘’ alias_mode=‘0’ aliasdomslimit=‘’ aliaslimit=‘’ aliasmail=‘’ allowedscripts=‘’ auto_letsencrypt=‘0’ bw_limit=‘’ cgi_bin_dir=‘cgi-bin’ cgi_bin_path=‘/home/prueba/cgi-bin’ created=‘1723642010’ creator=‘soporte’ db=‘prueba’ db_mysql=‘prueba’ db_postgres=‘’ dbslimit=‘’ defip=‘1’ dir=‘1’ dns=‘0’ dns_ip=‘’ dom=‘prueba.es’ domslimit=‘’ edit_admins=‘0’ edit_aliases=‘1’ edit_allowedhosts=‘0’ edit_backup=‘0’ edit_catchall=‘0’ edit_dbs=‘0’ edit_delete=‘0’ edit_disable=‘0’ edit_dnsip=‘0’ edit_domain=‘0’ edit_forward=‘0’ edit_ip=‘0’ edit_mail=‘0’ edit_passwd=‘1’ edit_phpmode=‘0’ edit_phpver=‘0’ edit_records=‘0’ edit_redirect=‘0’ edit_restore=‘0’ edit_sched=‘0’ edit_scripts=‘0’ edit_sharedips=‘0’ edit_spam=‘0’ edit_spf=‘0’ edit_ssl=‘0’ edit_users=‘1’ email=‘’ emailto=‘prueba@pro-web2.testdomain’ emailto_addr=‘prueba@pro-web2.testdomain’ emailto_src=‘prueba@pro-web2.testdomain’ forceunder=‘0’ ftp=‘0’ gid=‘1072’ group=‘prueba’ hashpass=‘0’ home=‘/home/prueba’ id=‘1723642009145002’ ip=‘XXX.XXX.231.139’ ip6=‘’ ipfollow=‘’ last_cgimode=‘suexec’ lastread_time=‘1723642017’ lastsave=‘1723642017’ lastsave_pid=‘145002’ lastsave_script=‘/virtual-server/domain_setup.cgi’ lastsave_type=‘web’ lastsave_user=‘soporte’ lastsave_webmincron=‘’ limit_dir=‘1’ limit_dns=‘0’ limit_ftp=‘0’ limit_logrotate=‘1’ limit_mail=‘0’ limit_mysql=‘1’ limit_postgres=‘0’ limit_spam=‘0’ limit_ssl=‘0’ limit_unix=‘1’ limit_virt=‘0’ limit_virtualmin-awstats=‘0’ limit_virus=‘0’ limit_web=‘1’ limit_webalizer=‘0’ limit_webmin=‘0’ logrotate=‘1’ mail=‘0’ mailboxlimit=‘’ migrate=‘’ mongrelslimit=‘’ mysql=‘1’ mysql_module=‘mysql’ mysql_user=‘prueba’ name=‘1’ name6=‘1’ netmask=‘’ netmask6=‘’ nodbname=‘0’ norename=‘’ owner=‘prueba’ parent=‘’ pass=‘KVMA%27e8cH5vR&7!GhT&4fF’ php_error_log=‘/home/prueba/logs/php_log’ php_mode=‘fcgid’ plan=‘0’ postgres=‘0’ prefix=‘prueba’ proxy_pass=‘’ proxy_pass_mode=‘0’ public_html_dir=‘public_html’ public_html_path=‘/home/prueba/public_html’ quota=‘1048576’ realdomslimit='’ reseller=‘’ safeunder=‘’ smtp_cloud=‘’ source=‘domain_setup.cgi’ spam=‘0’ ssl=‘0’ subdom=‘’ subprefix=‘’ template=‘0’ ugid=‘1072’ ugroup=‘prueba’ uid=‘1159’ unix=‘1’ uquota=‘1048576’ user=‘prueba’ virt=‘0’ virt6=‘’ virt6already=‘’ virtalready=‘0’ virtualmin-awstats=‘0’ virus=‘0’ web=‘1’ web_port=‘80’ web_urlport=‘’ webalizer=‘0’ webmin=‘0’
This is the out in the webmin http interface relative to database:
Creating MariaDB login …
… done
Creating MariaDB database prueba …
… done
and in the mysql server I got the database:
MariaDB [mysql]> show databases like ‘%prueba%’;
| Database (%prueba%) |
| prueba |
1 row in set (0,001 sec)
The mysql users:
MariaDB [mysql]> select * from user where user like ‘%prueba%’;
| Host | User | Password | Select_priv | Insert_priv | Update_priv | Delete_priv | Create_priv | Drop_priv | Reload_priv | Shutdown_priv | Proc>
| | prueba | *2F8E7EA07018E223493FFE058425006C3F8D67D8 | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N >
| XXX.XXX.230.139 | prueba | *2F8E7EA07018E223493FFE058425006C3F8D67D8 | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N >
2 rows in set (0,005 sec)
But nothing in DB table:
MariaDB [mysql]> select * from db where user like ‘%prueba%’;
Empty set (0,001 sec)
An older domain created show:
MariaDB [mysql]> select * from db where user like ‘%manueles%’;
| Host | Db | User | Select_priv | Insert_priv | Update_priv | Delete_priv | Create_priv | Drop_priv | Grant_priv | References_priv | Index_priv | Alter_priv | C>
| | losmanueles | losmanueles | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y >
| XXX.XXX.231.139 | losmanueles | losmanueles | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y >
| pro-web2. | losmanueles | losmanueles | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y >
3 rows in set (0,002 sec)
Hope no flood and no putting sensible info.
I’m gonna try to create from virtualmin cli, maybe some more info or using strace maybe could get some failed syscall.