Virtualmin differentials backup restore

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 18.04.6
Virtualmin version 7.20.2 Pro

I searched the Bacup and Restore user manual and couldn’t find the instructions for restoring differential backups.

From a web search, I understood that you need to restore the full backup first, then the last diff backup. Is it right?

Please clarify that


You restore the “latest” full backup, then the differentials in order…

Let’s consider the following backup schedule:


Mon - Sat

So you’d restore the “full” backup from Sunday, then Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat… In that order.

The idea is, you’re restoring the changes in order, after the initial full backup.

Of the restores I’ve done you do the Full and then the last diff, you don’t need to do all the diffs. If you check the diff sizes they will get bigger each time.

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Good catch!


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