By “anything”, which pages are you implying?
Looking to see if I have a snapshot of a test server from before I started fiddling with date format, but that already had some users and email.
I found one without users, but A Usermin login to the server account, then Account Information still shows Time on system as 01/27/2023
Webmin Recent Logins however has changed to DD/MM/YYY
More soon if I find a better snapshot.
OK, found one. Usermin edit user, select user, Password last changed on 05/01/2023. Correct
Login to Usermin. Account information = 01/27/2023. Correct.
Inbox, list of emails still showing as 12/15/2022. Wrong.
If I then view those emails, it shows Date as 15/12/22. Correct.
I just sent a new email, but will need to wait for 24 hours for it to stop showing in the Sent List as just 1:34pm
If this is just a problem for old emails, I can just do the manual locale fix for those users, as long as I don’t have problems moving forward. However, will that mean that I then have to instruct all the users to change browser settings?
Will there be any impact on emails handled by mail clients, so POP3,SMTP, IMAP?
Send and receive a couple, wait for next year and then check the Inbox List.
First 24 hours, it just shows the time of the email, until Dec 31 it shows the date as eg 26 Jan, but from Jan 1 mails from the previous year show as MM/DD/YYYY
I am noticing it as we just rolled over into a new year. Plus I am importing email from an old mail server and most of that stuff is last year also.
Perhaps you could try importing some mail from last year, or even do some emails then set the server system date to 2024 and have a look.
can you screenshot what you mean.
I try to have detailed descriptions. :-\
The top 2 entries are less than 24 hours old. Just the time.
The next lot are this month or year, format is DD Mon
The last 6 are older and display MM/DD/YYY instead of DD/MM/YYY
The last 6 are the problem.
The only way that I have found to fix it, is to edit each User, Language, Locale Manual, select English (Australia).
Last 6 are fine, first one shows 17/12/2022 there is not 17 months in a year. So that’s correct display of DD/MM/YYYY
My usermin looks different to yours, did you install with virtualmin?
Yes, it’s pretty much by the book. New clean install of RHEL9.
wget -O
A couple of tweaks, eg set passive port range for Proftpd so I can close the firewall a lot, edits to Fail2ban to ignore local IPs, add php 7.4 - needed by a couple of sites apparently and that’s about it.
The images above are from a Pro server, but I just checked a GPL and the only difference is the row of icons on the left.
What do you think looks different?
Might be the pro version then I just have GPL
Weird. As mentioned, my GPL only has less icons in the bottom left row - same as yours.
I usually log in from the edit user screen as it’s quicker, but I just tested logging into webmail.domain as an end user and still have the same display.
However, after looking at yours, it might be a good idea to see if I can remove some of the options, as sometimes people just like to fiddle! I don’t think they need access to the Tools - Filemanager and scheduled cron jobs for starters.
If yours is also a standard install, I am really curious why they are different.
If its only webmail, why not use roundcube.
I am liking Usermin, simple yet has many abilities for those that want them.
I don’t see that Roundcube really offers much, plus it’s either an install for each domain - messy and wasteful of resources, though I have seen mention of a server wide install but no explanation how to do it. There have been a number of problem reports regarding roundcube recently, it may be all operator error but still.
Plus most programmers actually like to find and fix little quirks - if they aren’t snowed under by bigger issues.
Right, never had a issue with it. I’ve used it for a long time so it up to what you like I guess.
Is this still being investigated?
There is no difference in Usermin between Pro and GPL. It is always the same package.
I can’t even figure out what we’re talking about. This thread is going all over the place.