URGENT - Getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS whenever going to virtualmin site

OS type and version Ubuntu Linux 18
Webmin version Cannot check
Virtualmin version Cannot check
Related packages SUGGESTED

Hi All,
I just changed the domain for my virtual server on virtual min and installed the latest certificates.

Now I am getting the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, I am unable to access the Virtualmin / Webmin site at all.

Is there anyway I can manually fix this on the server, what directory and file do I need to go to and edit? I’m using Ubuntu Linux 18.

In the past I had a similar error but at that time I could access the web panel, appreciate any help, otherwise I would need to restore an entire backup of the server:

Maybe I need to manually edit the Apache server directives? Which file would I need to edit for that?

The simplest solution to connect to your panel would be using IP address, like https://IP:10000.

Thank you so much @Ilia , I managed to get back in to the panel with this method, now hopefully I can fix whatever was causing the error :slight_smile:

I can access the panel now, but still cannot figure out what is causing the errors on the browser when using the new domain name. Getting strange errors with the new domain even though everything is configured properly:

For example whenever I do admin.mynewdomain.com, the browser will always show ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS.

And If I do mynewdomain.com:10000 I would get an error like the following:
“Check if there is a typo in ip-xxx-xx-x-xx.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal.

I never got these errors with the old domain.

If possible for any guidance on this, would also appreciate

Update: I tried https://mynewdomain.com:10000
This works without any issues!

So I believe there are some kind of redirect settings causing all the errors

Finally managed to solve this, backtracked on my previous posts and solutions to similar problems, mixed and matched solutions and voila!

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