Yesterday I was trying to install something from the atomic repo but I forgot to disable it. It automatically updated the packages last night and now I have upgraded the following:
May 23 11:06:11 Updated:
May 23 11:06:26 Updated:
What would be wise here? I don’t have rollback enabled yet. Should I remove the packages and just yum them from the official repo or can I just leave it and assume it works?
Well, if it’s just SpamAssassin and ClamAV – I think I’d verify that email delivery is working and that you aren’t seeing errors from those processes in /var/log/maillog.
If all is working well – I’d probably leave it alone, and remove them if you run into a problem in the future.
It doesn’t like there are any errors in the logfiles, but I’m a bit worried about upgrading. If I disable the atomic repo I won’t be getting updates from virtualmin repo anymore right?
That is what I want to do yes, but I am a bit worried it will remove the config files which are modified specially for virtualmin. But I will look into which config files are used for these packages and make backups.
Virtualmin doesn’t actually modify the SpamAssassin and ClamAV configs.
You’d want to make sure that you don’t remove any other packages in the process of removing those two… but if you just remove those, you should be okay.