Unable to install Orange HRM

OS type and version: Centos 7
Webmin version: 1.984
Virtualmin version: 6.17 Pro

Here is the output of the apache error log

[Wed Jan 12 19:24:50.951555 2022] [core:alert] [pid 21768] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here, referer: http://personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/
[Wed Jan 12 19:25:41.427833 2022] [core:alert] [pid 18182] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here
[Wed Jan 12 19:26:01.701800 2022] [core:alert] [pid 19976] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here
[Wed Jan 12 22:35:54.240119 2022] [core:alert] [pid 2036] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here
[Thu Jan 13 20:01:04.321982 2022] [core:alert] [pid 16597] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here, referer: http://personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/
[Thu Jan 13 20:02:45.166909 2022] [core:alert] [pid 24189] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here, referer: http://personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/
[Thu Jan 13 20:02:53.061771 2022] [core:alert] [pid 24192] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here, referer: http://personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/
[Thu Jan 13 20:12:22.425583 2022] [core:alert] [pid 27960] [client] /home/lcars/domains/personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/public_html/.htaccess: Option All not allowed here, referer: http://personnel.lcars.artemis.usswhitebuffalo.org/

I guess you created an htaccess file as part of the installation? And that htaccess file has options that are disallowed by your Apache configuration. So, you either need to remove those options (replacing them with ones that are allowed) or you need to allow them in the Apache global configuration.

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here is the .htaccess file that comes with orangehrm. any idea how I need to edit it so it works?

IndexIgnore *
Options All -Indexes
RedirectMatch 404 /…*$

order allow,deny

deny from all

<Files .log>
order allow,deny
deny from all

<Files log
order allow,deny
deny from all

<Files *.yml>
order allow,deny
deny from all

<FilesMatch “(.(bak|config|dist|inc|swp|xml|sql|sh|xsl|conf|ini|json)|~)$”>
## Apache 2.2
order allow,deny
deny from all

## Apache 2.4
# Require all denied
RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule (/)?(build|lib|license|tests|test|apps|cache|config|data|log|plugins)(/.*)?$ - [F,NC]

Try to replace:
Options All -Indexes

Options -Indexes

Restart Apache and try and see if it works now.

hello, now I get the following:

now it is saying the following after making that change

Not Found
The requested URL /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi was not found on this server.

However that folder and file isn’t part of the script at all

sorry, i did a areply to email and I thought it posted

OK change back to how it was. Did you have any luck in posting to one of the many online Orange HRM forums (?) as it is specific to the app rather than Virtualmin issue.

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