Ubuntu LTS 22.04 (MariaDB vs MySQL)

I believe you can already install VM on v. 20.04 and then upgrade to 22.04 and re-check configuration. Then go to package repositories and then:

virtualmin-universal/main http://software.virtualmin.com/vm/7/gpl/apt
virtualmin-jammy/main     http://software.virtualmin.com/vm/7/gpl/apt

While we’re on this subject - why does my Virtualmin (version 7.1-1) still have this package url? http://software.virtualmin.com/vm/6/gpl/apt is it safe for me to change it?

But that’s not the point. The point is they’re going to make MyriaDB the default database server in Virtualmin 7. That’s why people like me are waiting for the new Virtualmin 7 installer.

Well you could have replied to the question in this topic instead.

It’s confusing because:

It doesn’t report to me “Virtualmin virtual-server module version 7.1”.

Anyway if I understand you correctly - once the stable release of the version 7 installer is released I can us it running --setup to upgrade?

You can install MariaDB fine as it is. From everything I’ve read it’s not uBuntu that’s buggy it’s the RHEL-like distros holding up the v7 release.

Again, you’re not reading.

Those of us that already have Ubuntu servers and have for some time that are running MySQL as that has been the default for years are simply waiting for the new installer so that we can do a fresh install of 22.04 with the new Virtualmin installer and then migrate over without having to do it all piece meal.

It’s not rocket science to understand that we don’t want to go your route and Swiss Army Knife the hell out of our servers.

You’ve already made it abundantly clear on other threads that you don’t understand that the Virtualmin 7.1 that’s out now is NOT an installer. It is NOT what you think it is.

I’m running MariaDB fine on my one, so I don’t know what you’re complaint is even about? I thought MySQL is installed with the OS which is why I have to remove it to install MariaDB?

That’s right I didn’t know that. That illustrates in part why I’m here because I want to keep up with dev, and provide positive feedback/helpful criticism. Perhaps they could make some UI improvements to reflect the real version? Because honestly I would have just assumed I needed to change the package urls…


OK. Here’s a Q&A that took place before:

SO, what we’re all doing (those of us with 20.04 and MySQL) is waiting for the 7 installer. That way we can do a fresh install of 22.04, run the 7 installer, have MariaDB and simply migrate our databases over and be done with it.

You want to wing all of your stuff, fine. Knock yourself out. We’re waiting for the easy and new fix that will be bullet proof.

One of the first things these people will tell you is to NOT start changing all of your repos because you WILL break things in Virtualmin.

Hopefully you’ll get that.

That’s talking about migrating from MySQL to MariaDB on existing installs of course that will be difficult. There is no problem with installing MariaDB on a fresh install. That isn’t “winging” anything - VM6 fully supported MariaDB the only thing you had to do was install it manually when you set up the VPS.

And that is what this entire thread is all about.

Congratulations on FINALLY getting it.

So recently installed Ubuntu LTS 22.04 on a server… seems like virtualmin isn’t supported on it. Just wonder if maybe I should just install Ubuntu LTS 20 instead? Just rather get on with things but reading this thread it seemed like a beta might be available soon but how soon? next week end of next month?

If I go with Ubuntu LTS 20 will I be able to upgrade Ubuntu to LTS 22 easily? (yeah I’ve not used it before so not sure how feasible that is usually with Ubuntu)

The entire thread is about MariaDB, not Ubuntu 22.04, and about not having to do anything yourself?!

You’re crazy - MariaDB is fully supported as it is, all you have to do is install it on the server!!

Give me a sec I can test Ubuntu LTS 22.04 with the beta installer in a moment.

Okay do you want the good news or the bad news?

The good news is that you CAN install Virtualmin 7-RC8 fine on Ubuntu 22.04. The bad news is that there isn’t much point because there are literally no Virtualmin repos for it yet and it literally doesn’t set up any.

Wipe the system and install ubuntu 20.04 and use that for now (with the stable version 6.x installer).

You can upgrade Ubuntu in-place later it should be fine. Again there’s no problem with MariaDB… if that’s what you want just install it, I’ll test this in about an hour or so when I rebuild this particular VPS. :wink:

The main benefit to 22.04 is it comes with OpenSSL 3.0, nothing to do with whether you can run MariaDB or not!!

That’s not right? We tested yesterday and it was working on both Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.

We’d need to see specific errors, if that is not the behavior you’re seeing.

I’ve already wiped that VPS and reverting back to 20.04 as we speak. I still have the tab open though:

Webmin     : 1.994
Usermin    : 1.840
Virtualmin : 7.1-1
Theme      : 19.93.1
OS         : Ubuntu Linux 22.04

Sorry I can’t be of more help there.

This, once again, is why we are waiting for the Virtulamin 7 installer.

Can you MAKE it work? Yes.

But if you’re doing a brand new install, why not wait to where you don’t have to club yourself over the head trying to make it work?

It’s literally impossible for it to have Webmin/Virtualmin, etc. if it didn’t configure the repos. There is no way for software to get installed if it doesn’t setup the repositories. We install everything via the system package manager.

There may be a problem (in the listed package repositories, maybe, I don’t know, I’ll have to check). But, it’s not that the install script does not configure our software repositories (and there’s only one Virtualmin repo now for Ubuntu and Debian).

Look in the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualmin.list

That’s where our repo is configured. Just one line is all it needs.

Well it installed fine on Ubuntu 2022… I had already previously installed mariadb, post install picked it up and its all working good so far.

Why? The beta Virtualmin 7 installer uses Mariadb for all supported distros, including Ubuntu. That was only a useful thing to do if you wanted Mariadb and were using the Virtualmin 6 installer.

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because I was wanting to use mariadb on ubuntu22 before virtualmin was even installed… was just stating having it already installed caused no issues

Yeah it seems like a bad idea to install something that VM uses/manages prior to installing VM, that’s bound to break the system or to cause issues.

The issue is that VM needs to be installed on a virgin OS before you install anything. I just tested that idea with the version 6 installer and as expected VM uninstalls it and installs MySQL (and will just about break the system too). To install MariaDB on 20.04 with the version 6 installer you first install Virtualmin, then remove MySQL, install MaraDB, re-check configuration, and then run the post-install wizard in Virtualmin.

The only things that are safe to install before you install Virtualmin is software that has nothing to do with VM or Webmin that it doesn’t know about and won’t touch, and I imagine that’s much the same for any server control panel.

If you’re intending to use your VPS in production or you need stability, I’d recommend Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and upgrade later once you know that 22.04 is fully supported and can be safely upgraded.

The version 6 installation route for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS + MariaDB + PHP 8.1, I’ve just tested this fully on a fresh VPS:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/nginx
sudo apt update
apt list --upgradable
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo /bin/rm -v /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Sydney
wget https://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh
sudo /bin/sh install.sh -m -f -n host.example.org -b LEMP
sudo systemctl stop mysql
sudo apt purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server-core-* mysql-client-core-*
sudo rm -Rf /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql /var/log/mysql
sudo apt autoremove
echo "/usr/sbin/mysqld { }" > /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld
apparmor_parser -v -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld
sudo apt install mariadb-server
sudo apt-get install php8.1-{curl,pdo,fpm,zip,gd,xml,xmlrpc,mysql,common,mbstring,imagick}
sudo apt-get purge php5.6-{cli,pdo,fpm,zip,gd,xml,mysql,cgi} php7.*-{cli,pdo,fpm,zip,gd,xml,mysql,cgi} php8.0-{cli,pdo,fpm,zip,gd,xml,mysql,cgi}
sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove

If you get a prompt asking if you wish to overwrite /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld when you install MariaDB select Yes. Because I added the ppa:ondrej/php repo before installing VM it installed every version of PHP found there from 5.6 to 8.1, if you prefer you can install VM first then add the repo and install php 8.1 with the same command as above and you should only need to remove version 7.4 in that case which is the version provided by the Focal repo (Ubuntu 20.04’s repo). You can simplify the steps above of course if you want (and note I’m installing the minimal version with LEMP stack with my install command).

Now before you run the post-install wizard in Virtualmin run “Re-Check Configuration”, reboot the VPS (this may not be strictly necessary but it won’t hurt), and then run the post-install wizard.