Translation Rules/Policies/Guidelines

@Jamie and I will just use a new key in the main English translation file for the updated strings. Later, when we run automatic translation, a new file will be generated, indicating that it needs human attention.

Just keep an eye on it from time to time.

Thanks, appreciated. But I’m not talking about added keys.

I came across a shedload of translation strings that apparently were changed numerous times over the due course of time. The German translation didn’t even come close to the meaning of these strings. Thus, I was wondering if there’s a mechanism that informs translators when EN strings were amended… Otherwise, I have no clue how to keep track of those and translations won’t be updated in time.


Yes, exactly! I get it. When I make changes, my automation updates all modified keys. But as I mentioned to @Jamie, renaming a key, like from form_origip to form_origip_v2, will trigger the translation script to retranslate those strings on my end.

We can’t track this manually. Either the person making changes integrates the translation script into Git hooks to detect changed keys to be passed as special parameters, or they rename the keys in the English file. Both options work for me.

I agree that changes in the English file should sync with other translations. I’ve created a facility for this, now the team just should use it, or simply rename the keys at least, and I’ll handle the translations.

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