Stuck while trying to backup a virtual host (which shall be moved to new server)

We have to move a ~20gig virtual host to a new virtualmin server.
Though I use and love Virtualmin for 10+ years now, moving stuff from one server to another has always been a nightmare :frowning:

So I thought I’d go the usual way: backup and restore.
Went for “Local file” (that’s what was mostly used in the past - copy the backup to the new box and restore, done.):
Started a backup yesterday morning - it has not yet finished, the .tar.gz is currently at 4.5gigs, still growing since 24+ hours. Dunno why this takes eternally, box has 4Gig of RAM, 8 CPU (that are mostly ide, CPU usage peaks at 15%) and plenty of free HD space…

FTP Server:
“Failed to connect to FTP server : Failed to connect to domain.tld:21 : Connection refused”.
When I try to start ProFTP though webmin on the destination-server, I get a fancy red bar saying “Error 302 - Moved Temporarily”…?
Won’t bother, as ftp won’t actually be needed on the new box anyways.

sftp is apparently not supported for backups?

SSH Server:
“Starting backup of 2 domains to backy on SSH server domain.tld …
HTTP/1.0 500 Perl execution failed Server: MiniServ/1.921 Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 10:06:17 GMT Content-type: text/html; Charset=iso-8859-1 Connection: close
Error - Perl execution failed
Cannot open a pty at /usr/share/webmin/proc/ line 265”
Bug? Probably fixed in newer version. Update to webmin 1.932 through GUI fails on that box due to pkg “shared-mime-info” which cannot be authenticated.
Installed pkg manually, triggered webmin update again through GUI: webmin failed to re-start - the running backup died, Error persists:
“Starting backup of 2 domains to /backy on SSH server Domain.tld …
HTTP/1.0 500 Perl execution failed Server: MiniServ/1.932 Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 11:35:14 GMT Content-type: text/html; Charset=iso-8859-1 Connection: close
Error - Perl execution failed
Cannot open a pty at /usr/share/webmin/proc/ line 265”
1,5 hrs wasted, running backup lost, have to start over. :frowning:

Webmin Server:
“Starting backup of 2 domains to /backy on Webmin server domain.tld …
Login to RPC server as [username] rejected
Backup failed! See the progress output above for the reason why.”
I reckon “webmin to webmin” would be nice and I wonder how to set up this RPC-thingy which I never had to deal with before.
Any documentation, instructions or a tutorial on that option? Seems not much is written about that in the official documentation…

I don’t have amzn S3 or Rackspace

Get a fancy blue banner like “…is being prepared”, nothing happens, but I guess if a simply tar.gz takes 24+ hrs., so will preparing a file for download, probably generating the same tzg as for backup to local file.

I am stuck!

Please help! Thanks!