Strange email problem


after a lon time with everything working, i found out, that as of today i cannot login to my smtp server on my VPS anymore. I can receive emails, but cannot send anymore.

Since i wantedd to consolidate anyway, i decided to move everything to a new serversetup. But, unfortunately, this error is moving as well.

So, how can i fix this?

Any idea truly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


PS: Outlook tells, it cannot connect to the smtp server, but can connect to the pop3 server so what? My mobile is able to … very weird…

Hard to help without details but let’s start with the basics: Have you checked the port (i.e. 25, 587, 465, …) in your firewall if it’s open? is your email client connecting to SMTP through the same port? If you send out an email directly from Virtualmin, does it get sent successfully?

Thank you for your reply,

we are talking about a straightforward new installation based on the install script i downloaded on April 3rd and installed it on Debian 9.8

Very strange was, that Outlook was able to connect to imap server of a specific mail account and wasn’t able to connect to smtp server of that account on the same virtual host on the same server. Then it began to claim, that the user / password would be incorrect. But why it would work with IMAP but not with SMTP? Dunno. Then i reset the password and gave Outlook the new password, and it seems to work now.

Interestingly enough, there is another issue: Dovecot doesn’t seem to run, when i look at server status. When i click on “Start”, it would stop right away.

Even more strange is, if i do a grep -ax | dovecot i will get a reply with a bunch of processes.

Bottom line: Virtualmin/Webmin does not recognize, whether Dovecot is running or not. Even if i reboot, dovecot runs, but serverstatus AND also the specific setting page for dovecot claim, it is stopped.

So what?

Thanks and best