SSL renewal fails on non-ascii domain after adding another domain with very similar name

I have domain with non ascii characters (automüük.tld / xn–automk-7yaa.tld).

After I added new domain with similar name(automuuk.tld) to server I cannot renew Let’s Encrypt cert for non-ascii domain anymore.

Right after renewal process is see that challene fails and on error log i see:
“Hostname www.automuuk.tld provided via SNI and hostname www.xn–automk-7yaa.tld provided via HTTP are different”

Any ideas how i can solve this? Thanks.


Thanks for the heads up.

@Jamie It looks like a clash bug, isn’t it?

Anyways, it is non-production website so I just removed and re-added domain with non-ascii letters and after that I was able to renew SSL on both domains.

So for me it is solved. Thanks!

This might actually be an Apache bug - Virtualmin only uses the xn-- format hostnames in the Apache config and SSL cert request, so it would never consider automüük and automuuk to be the same. The xn-- format name is only converted to use the real unicode characters when the domain is displayed in the UI.

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